Back of Kiss of Kiwi Quilt- say that three times fast.

Here is the front. With the shop opening and Christmas looming I was up last night with the pencil and pad writing away. I was glad to get this quilt off the to do list. I made this one as round one of a quilt along. Of course, I tweaked it here, there and everywhere because for some reason I wander off the instructions and go down a different path. But this quilt along group has been a godsend and the women in it are so nice and encouraging. I can't say enough wonderful things about them.
How many of you are having the "OMG Christmas is just six weeks away!!!!" thoughts?
For those of you that like shopping, you probably don't feel like you are in the weeds. I have decided to do a mostly handmade Christmas this year and for that reason I may need to send out a S.O.S. My lists includes scarves, poncho, 3 quilts, table runner, afghan, and stuffies. I know. Who needs sleep? We will see if I end up making that last minute trip to Target or not. Wish me luck.