Saturday, May 26, 2012

8th Grade Promotion

 Our Avery is no longer a 8th grader. I have to say this makes me sad. These darn kids grow up way too fast. I swear she was just going to pre-school. My pastor gave some great advice last week, He said,"Really get to know your kids. What they like and don't like. Who they hang out with. The music they listen to and what they watch on TV" Gee, haven't I been doing that? Well, no. Not really. So I have been getting to know what Avery is like at this age, how she has changed and grown. Because the girl I thought I knew is always changing.
 There are over 150 kids in her 8th grade class.
 My favorite part was listening to the choir sing. Love them!!! They sang "Lean on Me" with a fun twist at the end and then they re-wrote the words to the song from Rent. 235,300 minutes to fit their experiences in Middle School.
 We got a shy little smile and if you are wondering why they are so casual it is because the ceremony was in the morning and right after was their activity day with swimming pool and lots of things to jump on a play on.

 She will be going to La Cueva High School home of the Bears. I think that is pretty cool because I went to Summerville High home of the Bears. Too bad I no longer have that bear costume.

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