Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Finding Balance

It's been a while since I have posted anything. School is back in session and life has gotten very busy with two teen girls. I find myself making an effort to find balance. I have lacked in blogging, in reading my bible, at exercise and when I do that my stress levels go up and how I deal with things goes down hill fast. How do you keep balance in your life? Don't sweat the small stuff. Keep calm and remember to give thanks for the blessings in your life. God is so good. This week I am thankful for the people God has put in my life, the friends he has given me. I am thankful for my Dad's report of remission.


  1. So great to hear from you Dena! I hope with the change of seasons (Yay fall!!), the longer evenings and the routine of school you get get some balance in your life. I recently joined an exercise class and the two hours for myself each week have been making big difference. Now if I could only find time to sew .....

  2. So pleased to hear about your Dad!! Balance is so hard to find, I think we all struggle sometimes.

  3. Yeah girlie...I'm way older than you and I think I am finally figuring it out so just know you are on the right track!
    Miss you!
