Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Borcz Cabin
Back to it
Friday, April 24, 2009
Day in DC
Now I know..... I know where to park. I know how much a quarter will get you in the meter......8 minutes for those of you that didn't know. I know to wear my sneakers because when you don't know where to park you end up walking a lot. I know what museuems I want to go and see. I know that weekdays are pretty crowded. I know we had fun regardless and it was a experience. I know there are lots of things to take pictures with your camara. I know where not to eat. I know that I'll go back with the family.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Day Trip and Happy Mail
SO the family and I took a day trip yesterday to see Sheperdstown, WV. What's in Sheperdstown? We didn't know, but had heard it was a neat place to go and walk around. It's about a hour from us, so off we went. The drive was beautiful. I don't think we could have had a better day with the sun and bright blue skies and temps near perfect. We got up there and parked and walked around. We went into the visitors center and asked what to see and do. We got maps and brochures. We went into one or two shops. I took some pictures going at a run (because my pace is much slower than the rest of my family). We didn't know that it was a college town. It had a feel of young and eclectic with all different types of shops for tourist and college alike. Lots of older buildings - some in great shape, others not. As we got back in the car to search for a lunch spot we ended up making a big circle going up to Martinsburg to Charles Town and then back home. Some good family time.
The second picture is my happy mail from Tammy for our "fabric and chocolate swap". This is the third time that Tammy and I have been paired together and we laughed about that. I'm pacing myself with the chocolate and having nibbles here and there. As for the fabric, it has gone into the stash to be used when I have a wonderful brainstorm. Thank you Tammy!
I spent about two hours ironing and organizing rows to sew for the coin quilt. Holy Moses! Who would have ever thought I would pick up a iron? Had to be done to make the sewing easier. I don't know when I'm going to get to that. I started to embroider the cheerleader for my sister's bag last night and I'm having thought swirling in my head over that one. Colors, fabric, size...... You get something in your head and as the process goes you see things change and it gets a life of it's own. Often I'm every bit as surprized when it is done as the person I'm making it for.
Might get some sewing in today, might not. We'll just have to see. We have friends coming down from NY this Tuesday and we are excited for that.
Take care and Love.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Coin Quilt
Every hear of a Coin Quilt? I had never, but then again, I'm new to sewing so you may have. Again, Flickr has inspired me to try something new. You know I love to go into Joann's and hunt for remenants. What better way to put them to use. Even the white fabric was in the 50% off section. For the last two nights I have been cutting fabric and tonight laid it all out in the familyroom floor. Creating is such therepy for me. So for a girl who cannot sew a straight line, much less cut a straight line (and yes I have the rotator cutter and yardage thingy- One would think that would help). Wish me luck.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Some talent!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
another little peek
Sunday, April 12, 2009
We had rain pretty heavy in the morning and it was a "put yourself back to bed" kind of day so I did. I slept for another half and hour then got up. Michelle and her mom Janet stopped by on the way down to visit colleges. It was nice to see a old NY friend and the girls enjoyed seeing their old babysitter. We took her out to dinner and then it was off to a hotel for them. They brought some lovely tulips for us- so kind. Thank you!!!!
It stopped raining and Doug and I took the kids and the dogs for a short walk and the cherry blossoms were mostly blown off and covering the ground. The air had the most amazing smell. So I took the camara and took my time walking and snapping some pictures. I saw the fattest bird.(pictured above) Lots of birds were singing. Wonderful!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Where to Begin?
We had the best visit with my sister in law and her son. We went to historic Leesburg, Middleburg and Harpers Ferry. I took lots of photos that I posted on Flickr so everyone can see. We took them into DC today to drop them off so they could explore there for the next few days and then it will be back home for them.
Spring break is flying by for us. I have not been crafting one bit but am missing it. I can't wait to get my hands on the jungle blanket and get the finishing touches done on it. Absence made the heart grow fonder.
We had several bits of happy mail. My parents mailed me some embroidery books and material. So much fun!!!! Riley got her Easter swap in the mail with some cool do dads in it. The family got candy from the Wayne Grandparents and the bunnies now have no heads. Doug has squirreled away the big box of chocolate. The dogs are eyeballing the suckers but I claimed them. Got to have something for the momma.
Queen 1 has a FUNDAY at the barn tomorrow and Queen 2 and I will be doing something fun also. I'll let you know when I think of it.
Hope all is well with everyone and hope to have some fun crafty things to post soon.
Love to all,
Monday, April 6, 2009
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