Love these shoes! They make me feel like a little kid. The only problem is that it is hot here in VA and when it gets hot my feet swell and then I get blisters making me feel like a old fart. Having said that- I still love these shoes, if only to look at them.
The queens and I had quite the adventures this week. We went to two new places. The first being Franklin water park. We had to wait 15 minutes to get in because they were full when we arrived, but people left and we could get in and they had shade to stand in so not too bad. The girls had a blast. I would go back. Well worth the 20 minute drive.
The second place we went was Tally Ho theater. Picture the 1950's and you have Tally Ho. The seats might be the very same. We watched the new Harry Potter movie and it was alright. I wasn't jumping for joy, but we entertained for three hours and that's something.
I have been working on my doll quilt and will have it done soon. Then I can bind and quilt the two other quilts I have sitting here. MY new best friend.......basting spray. So worth the 15.00. I hate to pin and stretch and try to re pin to make sure there is no bunching. If you are like me go get some basting spray.
The house behind us has the walls and roof up. They are putting the brick on the sides of the house now. It will be done in no time and I can't wait!!!!