Boy- that's blurry. I promise it says Susan and the Soulmate pulled the paper after rolling his eyes and asking me what I was doing. Susan asked to be put in for the fabric and the journal still needed a home so we have 2 winners and the next one he pulled was.......

Jeanne- So email me your addresses and I shall send it off to you as soon as I get them.

Last night prepping for pinwheels with some Moda Sorbret I had laying around. I think this is going to be a practice quilt for me. Love the soft colors of this one and it surprises me because it's not my normal cup of tea.

This is.....Popgarden by Heather Bailey and a whole lot of fun. Played around making these blocks and then started to second guess myself about what I was doing and what I was putting it with. There is an idea blowing around in my head it just wasn't coming to me clearly so I put it away for a bit.

Found a new fabric store and met Dee Roo there. She walks in a gets a job- lucky girl. She is going to have so much fun petting fabric on her working days. That would be "Danger, Danger" for me. I picked up some yummy OZ fabric that I have been drooling over.

I finished a commisioned puppy quilt for a very spoiled little pooch. Friend bought a quilt of mine for her daughter and the dog was taking it over so he needed one of his very own.

I also finished another doll quilt that I was playing with. I still have many birthday gifts to make. Hopefully those will get done in time. no pressure- ha.
Congrats Ladies!!
ReplyDeleteOh man...that doggie quilt is adorable...what a great idea....I need to make one for my in-laws dog...always looking for a reason to make something just plain old fun!:)
Just finished the ticker tape and working on the DQS8 quilts...yes, I'm making one for me...practice on it then do it right on my partners!:)
Come see me at work...but give me a few weeks so I'll look like I know what I am doing!:)
Yay, I'm a wiener!!!!! Thanks, Soulman, for pulling my name out of a..........colander! rofl OK, it's a bowl but it LOOKS like a colander. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the pretty fabric, Dena, I can't wait to get my hands on it. And congrats to Jeanne, too.
Lovely stuff you're working with, Dena and I know your idea will gel soon. Dog quilt- adorable!
You HAVE been busy! lovely fabric and I am a pop garden fan having made the ORBC railfence totally in that! Just LOVE the doggie quilt! I think every dog needs one (although mine hasn't got one... he is told to stay OFF the quilts! lol!)
ReplyDeleteI'm not doing anything yet at the moment (still recovering) but my 'to do' list is getting ever longer.... (bee blocks, DQS8, 6 PIF's a commission quilt and what I wanted to make myself....). Hopefully getting to some of it soon.
I know a dog who needs a new quilt/blanket. My brother's dog has learned how to slide the baby gate open. The last few mornings he has been found in bed with my toddler nephew who recently moved to a big boy bed. A new quilt just might be the thing to keep Petey, the dog, in his own bed. Just one more thing to add to the lengthy to-do list before going to visit them in March. On my cutting table tonight are a cut up alphabet panel for little bean bags and pieced squares made from the Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See fabric to use in a bean bag chair pattern. All for the previously mentioned toddler nephew.
ReplyDeleteLove the Pop Garden, OZ and Moda Sorbet fabrics you have pictured.