Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Take two- Progress

My buddy Pumpkin was helping me this weekend. I got a few moments on the machine and got the top and back pieced together on this hex quilt. This quilt has taught me many things. The biggest thing is that I am not a measure and sew exact kind of person. While I appreciate that quality in others, I do not have it. I have to work 10 x's more at it and it sucks the joy of sewing right out of it when I have to think that hard, because let's face it- who wants to think that hard? This quilt did not leave alot of room for errors and I'm glad to be at the quilting stage of it. So after I get this one done I'm going to work on my Doll Quilt and then my Bee Liberated Quilt. Before you know it- it will be time for school.
How is your summer going?

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